Tag Archives: J Gow Rum

J Gow Culverin

J Gow Culverin Rum Review by the fat rum pirateJ Gow Culverin. Regular readers of this website should already beware of the J Gow Rum Distillery from Lamb Holm in the Orkney Islands, Scotland.

I’ve not reviewed any of their rums for a while. In all honesty I’ve not reviewed any rums for a while. Which is something I am looking to correct now I am finding a little more time to get some reviews out. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

J Gow Wild Yeast Series NMO 2020

J Gow Wild Yeast Series NMO 2020 rum review by the fat rum pirateJ Gow Wild Yeast Series NMO 2020. We are back in bonny Scotland, well more accurately the Orkney Islands and the small island of Lamb Holm. Which is where Collin Van Schayk has decided to set up a rum distillery.

This may seem a very odd decision but Collin’s father Emile owns the award winning Orkney Wine Company so a career in the “booze” industry was perhaps his destiny. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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