Tag Archives: Foursquare Rum Distillery

Foursquare Rum Distillery Sassafras

Foursquare Rum Distillery Sassafras Rum review by the fat rum pirateFoursquare Rum Distillery Sassafras. Had Foursquare called their iconic first collaboration with Velier Sassafras instead of 2006 – then this rum could have been called Sassafras 2. This release is essentially 2006, only older to all intents and purposes.

We’ve not seen a lot of Foursquare rum that has been matured in ex-cognac casks. The excellent 2013 and 2006 being the only ones I can think of. Sadly for me those are both rums which I no longer have access to. I did buy multiple bottles of the 2013 and intended to keep a bottle back. Unfortunately, I ended up drinking it. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Foursquare Rum Distillery Diadem

Foursquare Rum Distillery Diadem Rum review by the fat rum pirateFoursquare Rum Distillery Diadem. For once, I am actually familiar with a term being used on one of these fancy named Foursquare bottlings. We’ll get round to that shortly.

A Diadem is actually a jewelled headband worn as a sign of sovereignty. In other words it something the Queen might put on, when she can’t be arsed with the full faff on, of sticking one of her crowns upon the Royal bonce. Or something like that. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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