Tag Archives: ACR

1931 St Lucia Distillers – 5th Edition

1931 ST LUCIA DISTILLERS 5TH EDITION 84 RUM REVIEW BY THE FAT RUM PIRATEThe fifth edition of the 1931 series which is now celebrating 84 years of Rum Making on the island of St Lucia.  Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the UK will see any of this stock as they have struggled to make enough to satisfy demand particularly in US.  I’m not going to give this issue anymore time – suffice to say this is the second rum producer in the past few months to have disappointed me by not making their product available in the UK.  I’m no longer interested in the reasons or excuses. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Captain Bligh XO Special Reserve Rum

Captain Bligh XO Reserve RumA new Caribbean Island for me with this particular rum (not that I’ve visited any yet!).  St Vincent Distillers Limited produce Captain Bligh XO Reserve Rum amongst others such as Sparrow’s and Sunset Light Rum.

For those who are unfamiliar Captain (William) Bligh was the in charge of HMS Bounty at the time of the infamous mutiny.  He also led a battle against a corrupt rum trade when governor of New South Wales, Australia.  His voyages helped establish St Vincent’s botanical gardens also. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

VAT 19 Golden Rum

Vat 19 Golden Rum Trinidad ReviewThe wonders of the internet and high street phenomenon Black Friday led me to finally putting a bottle of VAT 19 into my shopping basket.  UK based online retailer  http://www.drinksupermarket.com had 20% off everything on sale.  Drink Supermarket tend to stock less higher end products than most online booze merchants.  So I was able to pick up a good few entry and lower level rums.  They seem to focus on rum’s they can actually sell…….I’ve had a good few rums with a lot of dust on them from other retailers! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

English Harbour Aged 5 Years Antigua Rum

English Harbour 5 Rumvent Review by the fat rum pirateEnglish Harbour is a rum which I had been looking at for some time.  For whatever reasons I had resisted the temptation to buy a bottle online.  I was presently surprised to find Newcastle (Upon Tyne) department store Fenwick’s had it in stock.  There is something satisfying about actually being able to have the experience of being able to buy a half decent bottle of rum over the counter.  Whilst the rum was slightly more expensive than online (£27.50) this was tempered by the ability to have the rum instantly (even though its taken nearly 3 weeks to try it!) and the fact no P&P charges. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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