Tag Archives: 3 star

Unconventional Distillery Opus

Unconventional Distillery Opus Rum Review by the fat rum pirateUnconventional Distillery Opus. This rum like the distillery behind it are fairly new. It is also a British brand from the North of England. So don’t worry if you haven’t heard of them as yet. That’s part of the point of my reviews I guess…build awareness of new rums etc. Yeah we’ll run with that. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Habitation Velier Privateer 2017

Habitation Velier Privateer 2017 rum review by the fat rum pirateHabitation Velier Privateer 2017. For many Velier will need no introduction. For those that maybe aren’t as quite far on in their rum journey, I’ll give a little background on Velier and the Habitation Velier releases in particular.

Velier SpA was founded in 1947 (it celebrated it’s 70th birthday in 2017) they are primarily a spirits and wine distributor. They also Independently bottle rum in particular for the European market. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

E.S.A. Field Barbados White Rum

E.S.A. Field White Rum Review by the fat rum pirateE.S.A. Field Barbados White Rum. If you have not visited Barbados, you may not be familiar with this brand. You will however be familiar with the producer.

In 1906 the Rum Duty Act was introduced. It meant that distilleries could not sell their rum in quantities of less than 10 gallons. I don’t know the exact logic behind this. This meant that many of the general traders in Bridgetown became bottlers. Taking “bulk rum” from the various distilleries and blending it to their own preferences. Sometimes sadly with the use of a few additives other than rum and water. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Grander Panama Rum Aged 12 Years

Grander Panama Rum Aged 12 Years rum review by the fat rum pirateGrander Panama Rum Aged 12 Years. I haven’t reviewed a great deal of Panamanian (should we just call it Panama?) rum recently. To be honest it is not a country whose rum excites me nowadays.

Unfortunately (and as my Hydrometer tests support) you can never quite rely on what you might be getting in your bottle. From mythical distilleries to very loud protestations that any additives have been used by ageing Master Blenders – despite scientific evidence to show otherwise. I never quite trust what I might be getting in a bottle of Panama rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Abelha Organic Silver Cachaca

Abelha Organic Silver Cachaca rum review by the fat rum pirateAbelha Organic Silver Cachaca Despite attempts by some of the biggest players in the Drinks Industry cachaca remains very much a domestic product. There are thousands of cachaca brands available in Brasil. Only a very small portion of those brands even see the light of day outside Brasil.

There are a few brands which are available in Europe but they are often brands that are not available in Brasil. In recent years we have seen achaca available from the likes of Avua, Yaguara and Novo Fogo. Products geared up for a European and US audience. By geared up I mean they are put in sleek elegant bottles. Given a more “Premium” appearance than some of the cachaca you will find in Brasil. I’m sure you will have noticed just how rustic some of the cachaca I have reviewed over the past couple of years is, in terms of appearance. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Gunroom Navy Rum

Gunroom Navy Rum Review by the fat rum pirateGunroom Navy Rum. The date of this review is quite significant. If you are reading this review “hot off the press” then you will be, depending on your global location, hopefully still enjoying the 31st July 2020. This signifies 50 years since the British Royal Navy ceased the practice of the Daily Rum Ration or Tot, as it was more popularly known on board its ships. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Captain Morgan Black Label Jamaica Rum 73%

Captain Morgan Black Label Jamaica Rum 73% review by the fat rum pirateCaptain Morgan Black Label Jamaica Rum 73%. A high proof offering of Captain Morgan’s “iconic” Black Label rum which was bottled for the German market. Crikey that sounds like a bit of auction spiel doesn’t it?

It probably is. I found myself on the auction sites to get some photos of this bottling. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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