Tag Archives: St Lucian Rum

Chairman’s Reserve White Label

Chairman's Reserve White Label Rum review by the fat rum pirateChairman’s Reserve White Label is the latest white rum up for review.  Regular readers will be aware of my fondness for the regular Chairman’s Reserve and other offerings from the excellent St Lucia Distillers.

St Lucia Distillers produce a fine range of blended pot and column still rums and I would thoroughly recommend anyone who is serious about authentic rum seeks out their offerings.  I’ve reviewed most of the rum that is available in the UK and decided to round off a recent round up of a few white rums with this offering. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Chairman’s Reserve Spiced

Chairman's Reserve Spiced St Lucia Rum ReviewAnyone who has bothered to read any of my rum related ramblings, will be more than aware of my love of Chairman’s Reserve.  Despite being a relatively young and inexpensive rum (freely available in Sainsburys supermarket for £20) it captured my heart very early on in my rum journey.

The double distilled mix of pot and continuous still rum’s offer an authentic and unadulterated rum experience which at the £20 price point is difficult to beat.  With the success of The Kraken and Sailor Jerry I’m always a little miffed that Sainsbury’s have never stocked the Spiced Chairman’s Reserve as they do the standard offering.  I first tried this rum a couple of years ago.  In many ways I’m pleased I left starting my blog until I had tried a good number of rum’s.  I feel only now am I beginning to develop any kind of understanding of the various rum’s on offer. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Admiral Rodney Extra Old St Lucia Rum

Admiral Rodney St Lucia RumThe first rum I tried which wasn’t from a supermarket was a bottle of Chairman’s Reserve.  Chairman’s Reserve is from St Lucia Distillers, as is this rum.  The rum is “ACR” (Authentic Caribbean Rum) which is a accreditation system drawn up to identify a]Authentic Caribbean Rum.  There is also a petition ongoing to save Authentic Caribbean Rum.  Historically, Admiral Rodney is much the same as Captain Morgan (no not the actual rum).  Admiral Rodney was the military governor of St Lucia after the British seized the island back from France in 1762. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Chairman’s Reserve – The Forgotten Casks Finest St Lucia Rum

Chairmans Resrve The Fogotten CasksAnother entry from St Lucia Distillers and one with a bit of a story.  On May 2nd 2007 St. Lucia Distillers was struck by a major fire which destroyed their administrative and blending facility. Most of the distillery was spared but they suffered great problems with storage space for their casks. In the melee that followed the cellar master, Mr. Cyril Mangal, was forced to find space for ageing casks in the most unusual places. Having done so the cellar team had a memory lapse and forgot the casks that had been laid down. These casks were discovered recently. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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