Tag Archives: Guyanese Rum

Banks Connoisseurs Cut – Guyana 59.58% Dark Rum

BANKSCONOISSEURSCUT GUYANABanks are probably best known for their 5 and 7 Island Blends.  In July 2015 Banks Rums were bought out by Bacardi.  What plans Bacardi have for Banks Rum is anyones guess.  So far no changes have taken place

This Banks Guyana rum is part of their Limited Edition Connoisseurs Cut range.  It should not be confused with the rums from Banks DIH (Demerara Ice House) from Guyana who bottle their own range of rums – XM. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Mezan Guyana 1998 Uitvlugt

Mezan Guyana Rum - Uitvluigt 1998 review by the fat rum pirateMezan are a relatively new independent bottler.  They are in Marussia Beverages portfolio (which also include’s Doorly’s).  I’ve spoken with the firm so hopefully I will be able to ask them more questions etc in the near future.  Their website does have a lot of good information though and showcases the brands current line up of rums. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Lamb’s Navy Rum

Lambs Navy Rum ReviewLamb’s Navy Rum is seen in just about every Supermarket off-license, public house and Working Mens Club (WMC) the length and breadth of England (and quite possible Scotland and Wales too).

Originally created in 1849 from a blend of new fewer than 18 rums from Barbados, Trinidad, Jamaica and Guyana by Alfred Lamb.  The rum has been available in the UK pretty much unbroken since 1872.  The rum was originally stored in the famous West India Dock Warehouse just off the Thames.  The rum was then aged for 4 years.  For more information please see the Lamb’s Navy Rum site. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

El Dorado Cask Aged 8 Years Demerara Rum

El Dorado 8 Year rum review by the fat rum pirateI do enjoy reading other people’s rum reviews.  Unfortunately I feel many reviewers take a very lazy approach to the reviews, often quoting in full, the notes on the bottle or the companies website.  This can lead to very generic and to be honest quite boring review.  It adds padding to the review but little else. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Robert Watson’s Demerara Rum

Watson's Rum Robert Review Demerara GuyanaThe British have a long standing love affair with dark rum.  Most navy rum is British Navy Rum.  Dark, sweet Demerara based rum’s are fairly commonplace in the UK Supermarkets.  Brands such as Lamb’s and Captain Morgan lead the way in terms of sales.  Rum which has been distilled and aged in the Caribbean but transported to the UK for blending (and occasionally further ageing). Lamb’s and Captain Morgan use a blend of different rum’s from different islands.  Jamaican rum is used in Captain Morgan to lead the way in terms of flavour (it fails miserably). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

El Dorado 15 Year Old Finest Demerara Rum – Special Reserve

El Dorado 15 Year Old Rum Review the fat rum pirate

EL Dorado 15 Rum Review

By luck rather than judgement (very questionable if you read my El Dorado 12 review) the “Special Reserve” became the first El Dorado rum I ever tried.  Having just received an expensive consignment of rum I happened to stroll into a well known discount store (Aldi) in a not so well known seaside town (Seaham Harbour).  I found on their shelves El Dorado 8 Year Old.  Obviously I immediately picked up a bottle and strode to the counter……… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Lemon Hart White Rum

Lemon Hart White Rum Demerara Guyana ReviewLemon Hart is a rum brand which as intrigued me for some time.  Talked about regularly on websites devoted to rum, yet strangely absent from the country where it is blended and bottled.  I’ve never come across a bottle of Lemon Hart rum in any store in the UK – ever.  Only very recently I notice that The Whisky Exchange have recently begun stocking their Dark rum and the 151 proof.  These rum’s seem very popular over the pond. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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