Tag Archives: Demerara Rum

Lemon Hart Original Demerara Rum

Lemon Hart Demerara Rum review by the fat rum pirateOver two centuries ago Lehmynn (“Lemon”) Hart was named an official purveyor of rum to the British Royal Navy, subsequently establishing the Lemon Hart Rum Company in London England in 1804.

Fast forward just over a couple of hundred years and here I am a few hundred miles north of London drinking Lemon Hart rum produced by Lemon Hart Rum Company Limited, Montreal, QC, Canada. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bristol Classic Rum Port Morant 1990 Demerara Rum

Bristol Port Morant 1990 rum review by the Fat Rum PirateAnother independent bottling up for review this time a Port Morant Demerara Rum from English bottlers Bristol Classic Rum.  Rather than bore you all with yet another monologue about Demerara Distillers Ltd/Diamond Distillery I will instead focus on the possibly incorrect labelling of this rum.

In both Guyana and Jamaica there are towns called Port Mourant (Jamaica) and Port Morant (Guyana). In times gone by both these towns have lent their names to Rum Estates/Distilleries.  In more recent times the Guyana version of Port Morant is, as well as a town now a name given to a double wooden pot still taken from the Port Morant Estate. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Lemon Hart 151 Premium Rum

Lemon Hart 151 the fat rum pirate rum reviewOver two centuries ago Lehmann (Lemon) Hart was named an official purveyor of rum to the British Royal Navy, subsequently establishing the Lemon Hart Rum Company in London, England, in 1804.

Whether Mr Hart ever intended a 151 Lemon Hart to become Tiki staple is improbable but this particular rum is the most iconic of Lemon’s legacy.  What is even more improbable is that the Lemon Hart Rum Company of late would be based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  That is however what has become of the man’s legacy. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

El Dorado Cask Aged 3 Years Demerara Rum

El Dorado 3 Year Demerara White Rum review by the fat rum pirateAn El Dorado Demerara White Rum aged for at least 3 years in oak casks, then double filtered through natural charcoal to remove the colour.  This pretty much rounds off my El Dorado collection.  The 3,5,12,15 and 21 have now been reviewed.  Time will tell if any of the Single Cask, Spiced or Overproof offerings ever get a review.  Time and Geography anyway as if I could actually get certain El Dorado rums I wouldn’t hesitate….. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Pusser’s Navy Rum “Nelson’s Blood” Aged 15 Years

Pussers 15 Years Nelsons Blood review by the fat rum piratePusser’s “Nelson’s Blood” Aged 15 Years is their marquee expression.  I think, (and I will get this all confirmed) that the rum is a different blend to the Blue Label.  It is not just a more aged version of it.  However, I also understand that despite this it is still a blend of Trini rum with a hefty dose of the famous Port Mourant wooden still distillate. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bristol Classic Rum 1998 Diamond Distillery Demerara Rum

Bristol Classic Rum Diamond Distiilery 1998 rum review by the fat rum pirate Bristol’s 1998 Diamond Distillery Demerara rum has got to be up there as one of the longest titles I’ve put up, but I felt all the information was valid.  Over the next few months I will be putting up my usual “commercial” rum reviews alongside a number of “independent” bottlings. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Alnwick Rum

Alnwick Rum Spirit of Northumberland review by the Fat rum pirateThe Legendary Alnwick Rum no less.  The Spirit of Northumberland it proclaims.  Not much of a proclamation to make really.   I can’t think of a drink other than Newcastle Brown Ale the North East has produced, which is famous beyond its own counties borders.

We’re a funny little bunch up here in the North East of England.  When we aren’t watching our EPL soccer teams FC United of Newcastle and the Mackem Red and White Stripes, reading the Viz or eating Kebabs we are usually to be found boozing.  In actual fact we usually do most of these things pretty much at the same time……. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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