Tag Archives: Aguardente de Cana

Aguardente de Cana Rum Agricola da Madeira Calheta

Aguardente de Cana Rum Agricola da Madeira Calheta Rum Rhum Review by the fat rum pirateAguardente de Cana Rum Agricola da Madeira Calheta. I found this in a small liquor store in Funchal, Madeira last summer. I’d not seen or heard of the brand before so it was an immediate purchase.

I always figure when faced with such rums in far flung locations it’s worth picking a bottle up if the price is reasonable. You may never get the chance to try it again. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Havana Anisio Santiago Aguardente de Cana

Havana Anisio Santiago Aguardente de Cana Cachaca rum review by the fat rum pirate2Havana Anisio Santiago Aguardente de Cana. In Brasil, Havana is not necessarily noted first and foremost as the capital of Cuba. For many spirits enthusiasts Havana is the “Temple of Cachaca”.

Over the past 2 to 3 decades Havana Farm has become an almost sacred place where Cachaca was almost single handedly resurrected as a quality premium spirit. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Claudionor Aguardente de Cana

Claudionor Aguardente de Cana Cachaca Rum Review by the fat rum pirateClaudionor Arguardente de Cana. Not all Aguardiente de Cana is classed as Cachaca. However all Cachaca is Aguardente de Cana. Confused? Welcome to the world of sugar cane spirits.

Although Claudionor is noted as being Aguardente de Cana it can still call itself a Cachaca. The reason is pretty simple. Cachaca to be legally noted as such must only be bottled at between 38% and 48% ABV. So Claudionor just sneaks in as Cachaca. Not that worries me, as we will be branching into a few Aguardente de Cana’s and even some Mexican Charanda (Mexican rum if you like) going forward. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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