Habitation Velier Forsyths WP 2005

Habitation Velier Forsyths WP 2005 rum review by the fat rum pirate Worthy Park EstateHabitation Velier Forsyths WP 2005 is another intrigingly named bottling from Luca Gargano and Co. Releases under the Habitation Velier moniker are coming out thick and fast.  Already a 2006 WP is available to buy.  With that in mind I thought I best get a review of this out quick before it sells out completely.

Released late in 2016 this release is from Jamaica. More accurately the Worthy Park Estate hence the WP.  The Forsyths relates to the name of the producer of the pot still on which this rum was produced.

2005 is a particularly special vintage for Worthy Park and Jamaican rum.  It represented the first year the re-built distillery, distilled rum following an embargo by the Jamaican government back in the nineteen sixties.  This rum boasts as being the first distillation since 1962.

The Forsyths still is a Double Retort Pot Still.  The rum is noted as being Pure Single Rum which means it is 100% Pot Still rum from a single distillery.  It is also noted on the sleeve that the rum was produced using estate molasses.  Many rum producers (even in the Caribbean) no longer produce sugar as a result they have none of their own molasses.

Additional information provided on the sleeve identifies an Angels Share of 64% and that the rum has been bottled at “barrel proof”.

As you can see the rum has been housed in the now familiar Habitation Velier flask style bottle.  The cardboard sleeve provided with the rum is extremely sturdy and wooden topped synthetic stopper gives a satisfying pop.

There is no information on how many bottles of this rum were available.  It is now largely sold out.  That is not surprising as it retailed at around £60.  The recently released 2006 WP release it double that price.  The ABV of the rum is 57.8%.  Despite not being released until late 2016 it was bottled in 2015.  So it is noted as 10 years old.

The rum has benefited from 100% Tropical Ageing. I recently reviewed a 2005 Worthy Park by Cadenheads.  That rum will not have been aged entirely in the tropics.  It will be interesting to note any differences. So lets press on.

In the glass Forsyths WP is a vibrant orange/brown colour.  It is a good honest colour for a 10 year old rum.

The nose is reassuringly familiar.  Great notes of toffee, caramel and milk chocolate. Habitation Velier Forsyths WP 2005 rum review by the fat rum pirate Worthy ParkThere is also a nice hit of alcohol which does get in the nostrils a little. here’s some spearmint mixing in with the spicy oak.  Maybe a touch of smokiness and definitely some leather.

Overall its a nicely balanced, inviting nose with enough complexity to make you curious to try it.

Sipped at full strength its unsurprisingly quite spicy. There is a lot of drying oak on the palate and quite a lot of bourbon like spiciness. Especially on the first couple of sips.

Now either you palate will adjust to the ABV of this rum or you may need to add a few drops of water to it.  As there are more notes which come out as you progress with the tasting.

It’s quite a dry, almost sharp rum but it does deliver a lot of the sweetness promised on the nose.  The chocolate and toffee on the nose return particularly in the finish and middle of the sipping experience.

It isn’t your traditional funky Jamaican  It perhaps has more in common with Appleton Estates older rums (the 12 and 21 year old) than their Signature Blend.

It’s a nicely balanced sophisticated sipper though.  There is a lot to explore with this rum.  Compared to the Cadenhead’s 2005 it is slightly richer and less whisky like. The Cadenheads had a more savoury note to it which is missing with this bottling. I don’t mind as I prefer rum to stay rum like rather than stray into whisky territory.

The rum has a really long and satisfying finish.  Nice warming notes and a really good length. Great spicy notes intertwining with slightly charred oak and cocoa.Habitation Velier Forsyths WP 2005 rum review by the fat rum pirate

There is little doubt for me that Worthy Park Estate’s reputation will continue to grow over the next few years.  If they can produce an aged bottling to call their own and produce it year in year out then they will have a very loyal customer here.  Worthy Park offer distinctive yet authentic Jamaican rum which is up there with the best rum coming from the island.  This rum is full of well defined flavour and has a really good balance.  Which I think is something which is often missed in rum reviewing.

If you can pick a bottle of this up then I would urge you to do so.  Prices for the 2006 vintage have already doubled so you really are getting a bargain.

Although it is slightly better than the Cadenhead’s bottling I don’t think the rum deserves a 5 star rating.

The simple reason being this was one of the first rums Worthy Park distilled and I fancy they can produce something better.

Well there is the gauntlet thrown down to them.  Lets wait and see.




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