Tag Archives: bajan rum

Cockspur 12 Handcrafted Bajan Rum

Cockspur 12 Rum Review BarbadosCockspur 12 (also Cockspur VSOR in some markets) is the premium rum of the Cockspur range (admittedly they only have 6 lines in total and at least one of those isn’t available outside of Barbados!).

It’s funny but despite Cockspur being my favourite sub £15 rum I didn’t actually have high hopes for this.  I’m not sure why but I just thought that I would be left a disappointed by an “expensive” version of something I enjoyed so much in its cheapest form. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

M&S – Bajan Estate Rum XO

M&S Bajan RumI had seen this rum on sale in M&S and came close to buying a bottle for £19. In the end I was persuaded that I didn’t need it by my wife (who had bought me it for Christmas). The rum usually retails at £22 for a 70cl bottle. As Marks and Spencer have recently begun stocking “brand name” goods I was slightly surprised to see the additions to their rum range were own brand offerings. Supermarket rum is not something which excites me, its cheaper than entry level branded rum and this is usually reflected in both taste and appearance. However, M&S is no ordinary supermarket and indeed this may well be no ordinary rum. Apologies to anyone with Albatross now running through their head………… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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