rockact81r Mogwai Rum

Mogwai Rum Rockact81r Rum Review by the fat rum pirate Demerararockact81r Mogwai Rum is without doubt one of the oddest rums I have ever known to be bottled.  This rum is not a homage to the pre-horror stage of the furry little animals in the film Gremlins.

Though the band which the rum is named after obviously did take their name from the film.  Quite why a Scottish post-rock band called themselves Mogwai is one thing, quite why a Scottish post rock band would want to release a rum? I’m kind of stumped.

Mogwai had originally released a limited edition Whisky (which makes a bit more sense) rockact81w.

The Whisky which was a 9 year old Glenlacchie. Now sold out.  It was released alongside one of Mogwai’s albums 2015’s The Rave Tapes (don’t be confused by the title its definitely not rave music).

The rockact81r rum was released in conjunction with the Creative Whisky Company and The Good Spirits Co where the rum retails both in store and online. The rum is a single cask Demerara rum from the Diamond Distillery in Guyana.  A release of just 330 bottles. It has an an ABV of 50% and retails at £55.  It has been aged for 12 years. Released in 2015 so it was originally distilled in 2002/3 depending on when it was bottled.  This is bottle number 230.

The rum comes in a standard bar style bottle with only a front label giving the information above and the rum is sealed with a synthetic cork enclosure.  You can’t grumble at the price point.  Its minimalist but I quite like it.  It’s pretty cool.

I contacted The Good Spirits Co but despite contacting The Creative Whisky Co they were unable to get any further information on the make up of the rum.  They just don’t know the exact still it hails from.

Experience tells me that this rum is either from the Versailles or EHP (Enmore) stills.  It doesn’t have anything I recognise from distillates from the other stills such as the Port Mouranrockact81r Mogwai Rum review by the fat rum piratet.

I did read an interview somewhere online where the band were actually amused by the fact someone, a close friend had tried the rum and asked if it “was a joke”.  I suppose to the uninitiated rums such as these can seem a little challenging.  Different from the OVD or Watson’s they are perhaps more familiar with up in bonny Scotland? (Though neither of those rums are all that shabby just different to this)

Anyway lets move on before I reveal more about the rum ahead of the actual tasting notes!

In the glass Mogwai rum is a natural looking colour – almost straw coloured.  I get the impression that most of the ageing for this rum has been European.

The nose is quite savoury – almost whisky like.   It’s quite “strong” and upfront.  There is a touch of licorice and toffee but not a great deal.It’s not bad on the nose but it isn’t overly exciting.

Sipped the rum is very dry.  It’s also quite oaky and malty.  There are notes in this that I find in Scotch Whisky.  I’m wondering if this has been aged at all in Scotch Whisky casks?  There is a touch of aniseed and licorice but they are over taken by the very spicy oak notes.

It’s all just a little bit flat.  It feels a little old and stale rather than rich and vibrant.  The oak and spice have taken over the Demerara flavours I would hope for.  Is it over oaked or has the cask it was aged in just been over used?  It’s very dry and just a little bit too sharp for me.  Too bitter, too unforgiving.

It actually works better mixed with cola as it stands up to the cola andMogwai Rum Rockact81r Rum Review by the fat rum pirate Demerara the more oaky notes actually work well alongside the sweetness of the cola. However you don’t want to spend £50 for a mixer.  Cadenheads Classic rum (a Demerara blend) is less than £35 and kicks this miles out of the water anyway.

It’s not a terrible rum.  At the same time there is nothing to really get excited about. Even at the price point.

I wanted to like this rum as it appeared to be a bargain and I knew I would be able to get more. I can’t see me buying another bottle though.  Not because it is awful but it’s just not exciting enough to draw me in again.  I’ve got loads more rums on the list that I would try again or try for the first time.

Like Mogwai’s music it has its moments but like the music maybe an acquired taste.





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