Exotic Tramp Cocktail Chocolates

Exotic tramp Chocolate and truffle review by the fat rum pirateExotic Tramp is the brainchild of Sian Petter.  You may have come across Sian and her husband James at one of the numerous Rum Festivals in the UK or at a variety of markets in her local area.

Exotic Tramp produce Cocktail Truffles and Gifts.  For those into the Tiki scene they have also recently produced a number of Tiki style mugs, to add to their portfolio.

You can find their Tiki Mugs and Chocolate truffles online at their Etsy store.  For the purposes of this “review” I will be looking at their Chocolate Rum Truffles and Canes.

Now there are few things in life I like more than Rum and Dark Chocolate.  Exotic Tramp have a range of “rum related” chocolates which I just simply had to try. So without further ado lets go through each of the chocolates on offer…..

Pusser’s Painkiller Canes/Truffles

What could possibly make a Pusser’s Painkiller any better? A pairing with Dark Chocolate of course.  The only serious choice you have to make with these is whether to opt to buy 4 canes of chocolatey goodness or 12 individual truffles.

The Pusser’s Painkiller Canes encase a Salted Butter, Condensed Milk, Pussers Gunpowder Rum, Pineapple, Orange, Nutmeg and Coconut Milk truffle into 70% Madagascan Dark Chocolate canes finished with a flourish of White Chocolate.

The Painkiller filling is absolutely beautiful.  Lovely creamy coconut and a very nice hit of Pusser Gunpowder rum. The dark chocolate covering truffle is just the right amount.  You get a nice dark chocolate hit but not at the expense of the more delicate truflle.

The Truffles are much the same though you get 12 chocolates per pack. Maybe a touch more filling to chocolate ratio which makes them slightly more boozy?

Whichever way you enjoy the Painkiller chocolates they are fantastic. The Painkiller filling is really authentic and works wonderfully with the rich dark chocolate.

Rum and Damson Canes/Truffles

Next up we have a chocolate which I understand is very close to Sian’s heart.  From what I understand Sian has great childhood memories of picking Damsons and Damson Jam etc so she sought to create a chocolate which would remind her of such happy times.  I do hope her childhood didn’t involve quite so much rum though!

Once again Sian turns to her favourite rum Pussers Gunpowder as the alcoholic base for these chocolates.  For those not familiar with Damsons they are a variety of plum and quite strong and distinctive in flavour.

Once again these chocolates come in a 4 pack of canes or 12 individual truffles.

Exotic tramp Chocolate and truffle review by the fat rum pirateThe filling this time comprises Salted Butter, Condensed Milk, Cocoa Butter, Pussers Gunpowder Rum and Damson Jam.

These chocolates are more of an aquired taste.  The strong Damson plum taste may not be for everyone.  They are sweeter even than the Painkiller chocolates.  Forget about any diet if you buy any of these chocolates!

I like these though I confess I couldn’t eat many of them.  The Damson really combines with the rum to give a very strong boozy tasting plum sauce.  They are very rich.

With these I think I prefer the Canes as there is a bit more chocolate to temper slightly the richness of the filling.

Pusser’s Mai Tai Canes/Truffles

These are the final “rum” related chocolates on review today.

A Mai Tai made with Pusser’s Gunpowder rum sounds awfully good – A Mai Tai truffle sounds even better Salted Butter, Condensed Milk, Pussers Gunpowder Rum, Orgeat, Lime Zest and Triple Sec.

Exotic tramp Chocolate and truffle review by the fat rum pirateThese are definitely the booziest tasting of the rum chocolates.  Again the cocktail filling is really nicely put together.  Really tasty and full flavoured.  The Dark Chocolate adds an extra layer of enjoyment.

Really good, really boozy and really tasty.  I think these might be my favourites but I may have to double check first…..

Once again there is a really good balance between the truffle and the dark chocolate.  The Dark Chocolate used to create these chocolates really is top notch.  Not too sweet and definitely not too bitter.  Just a nice level to satisfy any Dark Chocolate nut. Add in them being a rum nut and you’ve a winning combo!

Now at this stage in proceedings I will make a disclaimer.  I do know Sian who creates the chocolates.  I did get these chocolates when I saw her at Bristol Rum Festival last month.

However, I did pay for my chocolates. Initially I didn’t really have any visions of reviewing them.  I’d tasted them there and enjoyed them but I wasn’t sure whether a feature on here would work.

To be honest I enjoyed them that much that I decided it would be unfair to the rest of the Rum World, not to let you all know about these chocolates.  You can got to stores such as Harvey Nichols and buy Cocktail Chocolates and even Cocktail Pastilles that aren’t a patch on these. And they are much more expensive as well!

If you like Pusser’s rum and Dark Chocolate you will love these.  Likewise if you are partial to a Mai Tai or a Painkiller.  Heck if you have a fancy for some of granny’s Damson Jam you’re covered as well!

If you do wish to take my advice then Exotic Tramp can be found in the following places


Etsy Store








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