Cachaca Santa Terezinha Canela Sassafraz. Back on the cachaca today with another review from the Santa Terezinha brand. I previously reviewed their Arte release. Santa Terezinha hails from Espirito Santa and have producing cachaca since 1943.
I covered Santa Terezinha’s production methods in my last review. So I won’t repeat myself. I will however cover the make up of this particular cachaca. I have not come across a cachaca which has been aged in Canela Sassafraz before. Being perfectly honest ,I have little idea what this might be other than some kind of native Brasilian wood or woods. I have come across Sassafras Root before (both in the form of being an ingredient in Root Beer and by way of a Green Day song on the album Dookie). At this stage I am unsure if there is any link. So I best find out.