An Interview with Richard Seale

An Interview with Richard Seale by the fat rum pirateRichard Seale is in the UK next week on a bit of a mini-tour.  Sadly the nearest he is coming to thefatrumpirate’s neck of the woods is Edinburgh.  Which due to work commitments means missing out on meeting the man himself.  More details of Richard’s tour can be found here and also here.

With his visit to the UK in mind I decided to contact Richard and see if he would be interested in answering a few questions for  I was quite surprised when he said yes and I was even more surprised when he replied in a matter of days to my questions.

Now firstly, I have not went back to Richard with regard the answers he has given or asked him to clarify any points etc.  I was very grateful for his time and in time I will ask him for a few more details with regards the questions and a couple more issues which I would like to hear Richard’s opinions on.

The interview is fairly light hearted and I have deliberately avoided the “added sugar” debate in the main because Richard has made his views on this quite clear on numerous occasions already.  Despite the nature of the interview Richard still gave us some very interesting answers and a very welcome revelation………

I hope you enjoy reading.





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Category: Articles

3 comments on “An Interview with Richard Seale

  1. this is good stuff, thanks

  2. Per your reference of the discussion of Seales and Plantation at the Project, wherein Richard was widely quoted. Its worth clarification that the notion that Seales supplies Plantation (who uses sugar) is somehow hypocritical is a completely made up and greatly exaggerated “issue”. As Richard made crystal clear in our discussion, although Seales does sell some bulk rum, NONE of it is sold directly to Plantation, but rather to a well known middleman from whom any of us can buy bulk. Richard remains absolutely firm that any rum he makes, or is labeled “Distilled by Foursquare” must be absolutely pure, no sugar or unlabeled additives or flavors of any kind, not to mention a completely honest and transparent statement of age (of the youngest rum in the bottle). I know of no Plantation rum that claims “distilled by Foursquare”, case closed.

    I believe this issue was raised by a competitive rep, and was not at all well intended and should be considered for what it is. A cheap shot.

    The point:

    • Your quote seems to have cut off Jimbo please feel free to add the remainder.

      RIchard answered all the questions I posed. He had no problem with the question.

      Thanks for your interest

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